The Youth Serve Montana Scholarship is closing in on its submission deadline! As your students come back from the break, don’t forget to remind them to finish and submit their applications. We currently have over 50 scholarship applications in draft form, and would love to see those get submitted well before January 31st, 2022.
Please reach out with any questions or if we can be of assistance in any way.
Alyssa M. Mathieu
Communications Specialist
Montana Governor’s Office of Community Service
406.444.1609I’m reaching out today to ask you to encourage high school seniors to apply for the Youth Serve Montana Scholarship. This opportunity is for Montana students who plan to attend college at a Montana Campus Compact member institution next fall.
In partnership with Montana Campus Compact and Reach Higher Montana, up to 100 seniors will receive a total of $125,000 in scholarships for completing volunteer service hours in the 12 months prior to submitting their application. Students who have completed 50 to 99 hours are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship, and students who have completed 100 or more hours are eligible for a $1,500 scholarship. The deadline for the Youth Serve Montana Scholarship is January 31st, 2023.
To qualify for a scholarship, graduating seniors must have completed minimums of 50 or 100 hours of service within the last year and have a completed FAFSA application. Verification of the FAFSA will be done through the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education. Youth Serve Montana materials, applications, and information on how to apply, can be found online at
The Youth Serve Montana Scholarship was created to promote volunteerism among high school students. Funds are available through support from Montana Campus Compact, a network of Montana campuses committed to community service;
Reach Higher Montana, a nonprofit dedicated to helping students pursue and fund post-secondary education;
and the Governor’s Office of Community Service, the state agency tasked with promoting community volunteerism in Montana. The Governor’s Office of Community Service administers the scholarship funds.
Please share this opportunity with your graduating seniors and reach out with questions to or (406) 444-1609. An 11x17 poster to hang in your school can be found on our website.
In Service,
Alyssa M. Mathieu
Communications Specialist
Montana Governor’s Office of Community Service