Our Community
Demographics of Richey Public Schools
PreSchool (3 & 4 yr olds) 5 students
High School (9-12) 28 students
Elementary (K-8) 46 students
Grades PK-12 79 students
Richey Schools currently employs 11 certified teachers in grades K-12. Years of teaching experience range from 1-35 + years. Richey Schools has one full-time Superintendent/Principal that is responsible for both the elementary and high school buildings.
Classified staff includes:
- 4 special ed/ speech para
- 1 classroom aide
- 1 technology staff
- 2 cooks
- 1 maintenance person
- 2 custodians
- 1 secretary
- 1 district clerk
Richey offers the following Sports:
- Football
- Track
- Volleyball
- Cheer
- Basketball
- Cross Country
- Golf
Richey joined the Lambert Schools for a complete athletic co-op that began in the 2009-2010 school year.
Agricultural Education / FFA
Richey High School has one of the most successful Agricultural Education / FFA programs in Montana ans has had several state winning teams.
All classrooms at Richey Schools have SMART Boards installed, and all staff have laptop computers and projectors in their classrooms. K-12 students have a one-to-one laptop/chromebook. All communication is done electronically throughout the school system via Gmail. Teachers post lesson plans on the school web page weekly (www.richey.k12.mt.us) and the morning bulletin is posted daily for the community. Richey Schools has gone to Infinite Campus for their Student Information System. Richey Schools is committed to the integration of technology into the school system.
Class Size
The average class size in high school varies from 4 to 8 students per class. It is a light load that gives teachers the ability to enhance their teaching ability and expand their curriculum. In elementary, the Kindergarten class is a full-time class that meets every day. Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 are combined classrooms. Grades 7-12 are departmentalized and attend classes with both high school and elementary teachers.
About Richey, MT
Home of the Royals
Richey is located in Northeast Montana in Dawson County. Richey makes a triangle between Glendive, our county seat, and Sidney, approximately 45 miles between the two towns. Two historic landmarks, the Yellowstone river to the south and the Missouri River to the north, sit on either side of the area. Richey is a small rural community of approximately 200 residents who primarily make their living from wheat farming and cattle ranching. In the outlying areas of Richey, you will see many oil pumping units. The area is a mix of farm land and native range land.
What you can find in Richey
Businesses in Richey include Big Sky Hardware and Groceries, Stockman Bank, Farmer's Kitchen, Dip'n'Twist Ice Cream (seasonally), and Cenex-Harvest States. There is also a Senior Citizen Center, a US Post Office and the Community Library.
Richey Schools is the hub of the community. Home games, FFA events, concerts and other events are given great support by the community. The facility is used for nearly all community activities outside of the school system as well.
Other communities around Richey
Sidney, MT is 45 miles to the Northeast of Richey and Circle, MT is 30 miles West of Richey along MT Highway 200. Glendive is 45 miles southeast next to I94. If you are looking for larger cities, it's about 80 miles to Williston, ND, 146 miles to Dickinson, ND, 122 miles to Miles City, MT and 292 miles to Billings, the largest city in Montana.
Enjoying Richey
Richey is an outdoor enthusiast paradise with some of the finest fisheries, upland birds, and big game hunting in Montana. It's also a great place for off-road biking and hiking the valleys and buttes. The sunrises and sunsets are spectacular year round. Winter offers more activities with ice fishing, snowmobiling, sledding, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing.
To see more about Richey, MT visit http://www.richeymt.com